I'm Nic, a 23 year old Artist with a passion for all things creative.


I'm a young artist with a passion for creating both beautiful and goofy artwork.

My main subjects tend to lean more towards Architecture and Food, however i do anything from butterflies to bulldogs.
My style
I love to add a sense of sketchyness to my artworks, whether that be through visible pencil sketching or through impulsive ink lines.

Perfection through Imperfection

As an avid watercolour enthusiast, i often have to deal with mistakes or imperfections in my artworks. However instead of trying to erase them I instead work with those mistakes to further the artwork or to add unique elements that otherwise wouldn't have been there. Painting is about exploration and experimentation and where that can take you.

Garden Patch
My work
What I do
If you're interested in getting a custom piece made for you or interested in buying some of my works there are various options for you

At the moment i don’t currently take any online commissions, however feel free to chat to me at any of my markets in person and i can always make time to discuss what artwork you would like done and the pricing involved.

My main form of selling my works and talking to clients is through the various in person markets i participate in. Please visit my page on markets to see which markets I’m currently attending and other miscellaneous details